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Kevin Justis

Chief Financial Officer


Get To Know Kevin

Kevin Justis is Professional Pipeline’s Construction Services, Inc.

Co-Owner and Chief Financial Officer.  He is a leader in all aspects of business from sales, planning and scheduling and executing projects. Project Management and construction. He is responsible for day to day operations, hiring and training, and financial affairs for Professional Pipeline Construction Services, Inc.,


Kevin brings over 20 years of experience in business leadership ranging from Roofing Construction Manager, Machinist Research and Development Leader, Sales Manager and presently owns and operates as Chief Executive Officer of Aviation Systems Inc. (ASI). For the past 14 years he has worked with clients in airspace and regulatory compliance under FAR Part 77 for tall structures such as communication towers, buildings, hangers, power lines and alternative energy projects. Due to his attention to quality, keeping up with industry trends, strategic business thinking, ability to hire and train, able to complete both short- and long-term goals he was able to collaborate with executive partners to enhance and improve business productivity.  In 2014 he was given the opportunity to purchase ASI and has been going strong ever since. Received certificate for project management course at AAA Institute.


Kevin also believes in giving back where he dedicates both time and funding  for local community events.  He also devoted over 10 years to mentoring and developing girls as a travel ball softball coach.  With all his time and effort, it was a blessing to him to see the growth and maturity of his players of which most received some sort of athletic scholarship to different colleges.


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