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PPCSI takes the guess work out of estimating

Historically the final estimate of hours and costs a project manager received depended on which Estimator was used and the method that particular estimator utilized to estimate the job. There were many instances where a final estimate could vary by as much as 100% depending on the estimators personal experience, "tribal" knowledge and ultimately their best guess.

Because of this ongoing problem, we at PPCSI have developed a unique approach to estimating called Component Based Estimating™.  This proven system utilizes our STO (Shutdown Turnaround Outage) Norms Library and custom estimating interface to produce consistent and standardized estimates. These estimates can easily integrate into Oracle’s Primavera™ software. Our final product delivered to the client includes all resources, duration and manpower hours needed to complete a job. When  our Component Based Estimating™ is  combined with our unique Cost Engineering processes, we are able to deliver a fully integrated schedule and budget for any size project with a repeatable process. At PPCSI repeatability is a critical factor in continuous improvement and the ultimate success within our process.

How PPCSI Can Help your Company?

A successful Shutdown and Turnaround is dependent upon many factors. One  very important factor is proper planning and estimating.  At PPCSI  our clients’ needs are the number one priority.  We have developed our STO Norms Library and custom estimating interface specifically for the refinery and oil & gas industries. Nevertheless we can customize these tools to any environment that deals with equipment maintenance.

Our STO Norms Library is an invaluable tool. For instance, if a client wanted to know how long it would take to install a 300 pound, 12 inch Blind, at a height of 20 feet above grade, while using fresh  air in the months of any weather conditions - we can do that!

Estimating is extremely important to the overall success of a project. Our repeatable Estimating process, integrated with our unique Planning & scheduling, Cost engineering and Management controls, enables our clients to predict the outcome of their projects long before execution.  At PPCSI we help your company plan for success.


  PPCSI Estimating 

Estimating is one of the first steps in the life-cycle of a project and it requires much more than looking in a book to see how much something might cost.  Effective estimating requires a thorough knowledge of labor requirements, material costs, duration, support resources , and logistics just to name a few.  At PPCSI   our Project Managers and Estimators, many of whom are certified Project Management Professionals, provide years of industry knowledge and experience that allow them to not only be Estimators, but business planners.


PPCSI proven system of estimating, along with our extensive experience and our vast industry knowledge allows us to provide a variety of benefits to our clients, such as:

  • Develop standardized estimates based on the plans, specs and scope of work

  • Build consistently accurate and complete estimates of resources, duration and manpower hours

  • Easily identify inaccuracies or erroneous data manage the information in our electronic database in a manner that allows repeatability for future projects

  • Provide cost reports, manpower projections and material lists to our clients based on actual data

  • Ultimately give the Project Manager confidence in his estimates EVERY time


PPCSI Component Based Estimating™
Our Component Based Estimating™ process follows the same set of steps regardless of the size of the project or type of equipment. As the name Component Based Estimating suggests we "breakdown" each piece of equipment to its individual components  and estimate how long it will take to complete the work on each component. We roll these calculations up into a higher level schedule and budget.  

The steps to our process are as follows:

  Step 1. Data Collection
  Step 2. Data Compilation
  Step 3. Create Electronic Database
  Step 4. Component Based Estimate
  Step 5. Field Validate Estimate
  Step 6. Estimate is stored in                    database

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